1. Sunday is a Day of Rest
Austrians truly require their day of rest truly and most of organizations are shut on Sundays. So kindly, attempt to disregard the buyer way of life for this ONE day and appreciate a day without shopping.
2. Austrians Are Not Germans
It resembles contrasting felines and canines, or Canadians with Americans. They may have a few likenesses yet they are not the equivalent. Austrians are a pleased bundle and put a great deal of significant worth on their own legacy. So for the good of your own, avoid calling them Germans or you will not hear its remainder. You have been cautioned!
3. Sound of Music, What is That?
Most Austrians have never seen the Sound of Music nor do they give a rodent’s butt about it. The Sound of Music is only a Hollywood film that contorted the account of the Von Trapp Family. Sorry to blast your cheerful air pocket.
4. You Can Drink the Water Straight From the Toilet
OK that is somewhat gross, yet that is the manner by which great the nature of water is there (kindly don’t drink from the latrine). Austria’s water is evaluated among the best 5 best savoring water the world. So indeed, on the off chance that you are parched you can stroll into a washroom and drink from the SINK, except if obviously you see a sign that peruses “Kein Trinkwasser” (no drinking water).
5. It’s Totally OK to Eat Dessert As a Main Dish
Austrians love their sweet stuff very much like the following individual. So mama’s standard, of no desserts before supper, can go kick rocks when you are in Austria. Here are a couple of treat we have eaten as a primary dish: Mohnnudeln, Palatschinken, Germknödel, Apfelstrudel and Kaiserschmarren.
6. No Hidden Fees
Dissimilar to in the USA, charges are remembered for the showed cost. That incorporates café menus, stores, stores, etc. What you see is the thing that you pay.
7. Get Your Buzz On
Delicate Alcohol (brew and wine) is legitimate at 16 and it is lawful to drink in broad daylight. So on the off chance that you truly need a Sweet Sixteen birthday come to Austria ;). Gracious and hard alcohol is legitimate at 18.